All the individual glass object (mostly bowls, vases and plates to be specific) given a name and number each. The following day a last glass found in Sal 3 was added to the collection to have the number of 14 in total and two sculptures of almost same height.
1st edition of the two sculptures glued together with aquarium silicone.


A research on starting a creative process thinking in form and materials
Tracing the interest
PROCESS LOG, entry 1: Tuesday 31/8 "Day of Glass" 
"Okay, so now I started building the first glass (and only?) glass tower. Technically, we are not allowed to do glass on glass in the theatre apparently. So many rules and restrictions apply to stage art. I think it will take 24 hours to dry; 2 mm pr. 24 hours. I'm using glass bowls mainly and a few other shapes, which I found Friday after school (where I lost my wallet). I spoke to Thorkild and Jon who advised me to use silicone instead of glue. So I'm using silicone to build aquariums with, which I bought at Silvan today.

I used the names to be able to keep track of which glass object was which, and I (in lack of creativity as well as to feel that it was more of a common than solo project perhaps) I chose to use the name of the class. Above you find each bowl photographed with a name and number and below names attached to the drawing of the sculptures after the first day.

PROCESS LOG, entry 2: Tuesday 31/8 "Day of Glass" 
"I already think I will be done with the glass building tomorrow. I actually think that I have to let go of the whole "universe" with glass and mirrors a bit. Let's see. But to make a gorgeous glass sculpture, I need gorgeous glass. And these are just glass bowls."

TO DO: Buy 2 more glass objects (Alen and Susanne)
TO TRY: - Painting + drawing
- Mapping / tracing
- Sound recordings
- Lists

- They are almost exactly the same height and have very different expressions.
- I added one glass, which I found in Sal 3 as Susanne (Susanne was added inside Magalí and nicely provides the final punctuation to the story of Casper, Enzo, Ella, Alvilda, Carl, Madee, Iiris and Magalí.
- Bianca and Martina dried perfectly and were put on top of Roosa, Ottavia, Berta and Inaja as the crowning piece.
We all consist of many parts.

How to look at people and objects for both their parts and as an entity at once?
Darlings and detours
Visit subsides:
The vision I had during Quim's class.
Obvious clash between vision and reality, but I am just positively surprised that it even to some extend left the paper and materialized.

PROCESS LOG, entry 3: Wednesday 01/9 "WHY NOT day" 
"So where do I go from here? At 15:40 I go buy cast for my next experiment. What next with the glass sculptures? How to relate to them? Did I lose interest already?
Today - and in this project - I want to ask myself "why not?". So I think I should conduct some experiments based on my sculptures to see how it will inform my research.
As I wish to explore the potentiality of working with materials, I should allow it to explore deeper. How can I e.g. make my sculptures interact with light, sound and other materials in order to create an atmosphere?"

Can I imagine creating movement directly from them (or do I need a score to transmit them?)

Does it relate to dancing or a stage performance in any way?

Excerpts from notebook

PROCESS LOG, entry 4: Wednesday 01/9 "WHY NOT day" 
"So how can I make it into a complete sound/light installation?
- Interview everyone in class about what I am doing --> What they think I am doing, consider that I am doing. OR how thet look?
--> Playing manually from one speaker and it's simply one by one (a few overlaps perhaps and at times, more playing at once).
- How to do the lights? LED inside/outside? For aesthetics, inside would be best! But they are glued together now....

REFLECTION ON PROCESS: Always think one step ahead, as your previous step might have altered to fit the next.

But done is done. Should I contact Ninna Steen instead? Ask her to teach me the basics of light programming w. projectors?
Or can I combine the plaster cast with the sculptures?
Or maybe completely plastercast the sculptures?
What does copying mean?"
Immediate brainstorm over the name of the lab (which since came to be the name of the project)
Experiment 1: Water on glass sculptures
- I found two nice carafes of glass
- Pouring water simultaneously on the two sculptures
--> creating a fountain function; one created nicer drops and sounds than the other (I forgot to record the sound).
--> Needing to be emptied after? (If water was flowing constantly, this wouldn't be needed ofc.)
--> Some water crept inside a sealed bowl and is trapped there. You can see it move, when the sculpture is moved.
Experiment 2: Casting
- First, one sculpture separated. Damn. But it was going to happen. No wine glasses caring weight next time.
- Casting the top bowl (Bianca). Now it is drying.
- Casting of body part: Big toe for now, elbow after?
PROCESS LOG, entry 5: Thursday 02/9 "The Black Lab(rador)" 
"Experiment status...
- Now I casted several toes and one finger.
- I painted them all except one.

Now I am lost. Maybe I will record some more sound. Hear what the different bowls have to say. Good thing I am talking to Quim tomorrow.

List of toes: 
- 2 x big toes
- 1 x small toes (pinkies?)
- 1 x ring toe
- 1 x long toe
- 1 x pointing toe
- 1 x pointing finger

Wow I have no idea of what the offical names of the toes and fingers are in English. --> To be investigated!
Click here for the sound of water on sculpture
Click here: Interview with Ella and Ottavia
Click here: Interview with Martina
Click here: 

Interview with Bianca
Click here: Interview with Carl
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
PROCESS LOG, entry 6: Thursday 02/9 "The Black Lab(rador)" 
"Okay, so now Joëlle came to my rescue. Amazing, I am back on track! For tomorrow/the weekend I need to get: 
- Aquarium lights
- Acetone and razor blades
- Sound recordings and soundscape of what needs to be

Day 4
Me deconstructing the sculpture by separating two bowls with a razor blade.
The colors I painted my toes and finger
The Friday vision of the presentation before my talk with Quim
Click here: Interview with Susanne, Roosa and Magalí
DAY 5 & 6
Day 5 & 6
Click here: 
Audio log from me
During the talk with Quim, it suddenly became urgent for me to make a website about my project, create a platform to share my documents and to facilitate my documentation. I don't know exactly what it shift within me, but suddenly I did not need to do the full scale installation anymore, and I realized it was not about the glass at all; it is about how working from starting points outside myself physically somehow creates many more openings for me in terms of generating ideas.

But I would still like to be generous. I would still like to show the glass as it exists now. But where? I did a Sunday afternoon location hunting at the school and tested out different options to be seen in the videos.
Not yet finished unfortunately :(
Click here: 
Interview with Enzo and Casper
So this is where it ended for now... The rest of the time was spent doing this website and uploading videos and sound.

I still need to finish it and create another page for further work and ideas as well as the "darlings and detours" page of videos and good distractions in the process.

Thank you for visiting <3

I danced for 1 minute based on the shapes and was instantly no more interested..
PROCESS LOG, entry 7: Friday 03/09, what I remember from that day.

Friday was a bit bla. I lost a toe, it is gone. Or maybe even two. But I am also not interested in the casting for now, even though it was a nice exploration and fun distracting whilst being lost. I shopped for a present for a name giving party with Bianca and reflected about what to do for the presentation.